Camminata Manzoniana

Today we participated to the “Camminata Manzoniana”, e non-competitive run around Lecco. Along the path, actors were playing scenes of the “Promessi Sposi”, the book that every Italian student knows and written by Alessandro Manzoni.

If you want, you can discover by yourself any time the Promessi Sposi sights, light the House of Lucia, or the Castle of the Innominato. We give you some hints.

Check our Instagram to see the videos of the scenes that we found during the run

Some useful links:

Enjoy your discovery!

Ah… after the run (walk :))we decided to eat some local fish, and we decided to go to one of our preferred restaurants in Lecco: Il Barcaiolo! You will find it on our map:

Skiing near Como Lake

Como lake is famous primarily as a summer tourist attraction perfect for visiting villas, swimming, or doing water sports. But do you know that just in 20 minutes drive from the lake you can reach ski slopes? It can be a perfect winter location for those who would like to

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Monte Barro

Monte Barro is 920m high mountain located in front of Lecco. It is a stand-alone massive from where is opening an incredible view on Como, Pusiano, Annone lakes and all the surround mountains. Check how you can reach it 😉

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Eat like a local

Italian food is not only pizza and pasta. In fact every region has its own local ancient traditions which they keep until today. Continue reading to know the truly local dishes from the Como lake and the surrounding mountains 😉

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