Four days hiking

Four days hiking experience from Tartano to Piani di Bobbio! Read about our personal experience to get inspiration for future trips.
Lake Como For You

All-inclusive experience to explore the Como lake from our partners Lake Como for You! Text us to get a special discount 😉
Ferrate around Lecco

Ferratas are climbing routes that employ steel cables, rungs, or ladders, fixed to the rock. We have prepared for you a map with ferratas both for beginners and experts!
Camminata Manzoniana

Today we participated to the “Camminata Manzoniana”, e non-competitive run around Lecco. Along the path, actors were playing scenes of the “Promessi Sposi”, the book that every Italian student knows and written by Alessandro Manzoni. If you want, you can discover by yourself any time the Promessi Sposi sights, light the House of Lucia, or […]
Trekking: from Cainallo to Rifugio Monza Bogani

Start: Cainallo – Esino Lario (Lecco)Time: 1.30Altitude: 1800mElevation Gain: 500mDifficulty: E Very easy trekking for everybody that will let you discover the wonderful “Parco regionale della Grigna Settentrionale.” The Rifugio Bogani is the starting point to reach the top of the Grigna, but you can easily reach other very nice places like Palone or Pizzo della […]
Trekking: from Barzio to the Refuge Sora Casari in Piani di Bobbio

Trecking from Barzio to Piani di Bobbio, Pequeno path: panoramic but demanding.
The map of our preferred places around lake and mountain

The map of personally selected places at the Lecco side Como lake!. Find here info about the best restaurants, the places of interest, mountains and many other